Asia-Pacific Strategic Investments Limited - Annual Report 2021

Corporate Governance Report

New directors are appointed by way of a board resolution, after the NC has approved their nominations. Such new directors submit themselves for re-election at the next Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company.

According to the provisions of the Constitution of the Company, all directors are required to submit themselves for re-nomination and re-election at regular intervals and at least once every three years. The NC has recommended and the Board has agreed the independent directors, Mr Chew Soo Lin and Mr Lien Kait Long are to retire pursuant to Article 91 of the Company’s Constitution. Mr Chew and Mr Lien, being eligible and having consented, will be nominated for re-appointment at the forthcoming AGM. The information required under Rule 720(5) of the Catalist Rules on the directors nominated for re-election are set out in Appendix A to this corporate governance report.

In recommending the above directors for re-appointment, the NC has given regard to the results of the Board’s assessment in respect of their competencies in fulfilling their responsibilities as directors to the Board.

The directors named above do not have any relationship (including immediate family relationship) with directors, the Company or its 5% shareholders.

All directors are required to declare their board representations as at the date of this annual report. The date of initial appointment and the last re-election of each director to the Board together with his directorship in other listed companies, both current and those held over in the preceding three years, are set out below:

Past directorships in other listed companies (preceding three years)

Date of first appointment to the Board

Date of last re-election as director

Name of director

Current directorships in other listed companies

Other principal commitments


Dato’ Dr Choo Yeow Ming

6 July 2006 30 October 2019


Listed on the SGX-ST - IPC Corporation Limited

Lum Moy Foong 22 March 2018 30 December 2020



- Oei Hong Leong Art Museum Limited



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